Latest News From Norcal Brain Center

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May 29, 2021


What is dysautonomia? Our body has numerous amounts of systems working together to keep the body functioning at its prime and at its healthiest. Two systems that work together are the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, both branches of the autonomic nervous system.  Our sympathetic nervous system
May 10, 2021

Gut Health

Why is gut health important? A healthy gut is imperative for us to function as best as we can. A healthy gut includes tons of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and cells that collectively make up something called the microbiome. Our body’s microbiome is there to help us fight off pathogens and
May 3, 2021

Headaches and Migraines

What can we do about headaches and migraines? Headaches and migraines can be extremely debilitating to someone’s life. Not only can they be painful to the point where it can severely affect someone’s day, but they can also mentally be exhausting to continuously have.  Here at NorCal Brain Center, we
March 3, 2020

Neuroinflammation And HBOT

What is Neuroinflammation?  Neuroinflammation is defined as the inflammation of the nervous system. There are many things that could cause neuroinflammation in our bodies including traumatic brain injuries, infections, metabolites that are harmful to our bodies, and autoimmunity. These are some of the most common ones that we see every
February 21, 2020

Hyperbaric On Concussions

What is a concussion and how do I know if I’ve had one? When someone suffers from a concussion, their whole life can be put on hold. Concussion symptoms can sometimes even show up days, months, and weeks after the initially injury occurred. This type of traumatic brain injury can
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