Latest News From Norcal Brain Center

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April 27, 2018

Healing The Brain After A Concussion

If you have been unlucky enough to suffer a concussion, you know that the injury to your brain can leave you with headaches, nausea, loss of memory, a lack of focus and even a lack of coordination. A concussion is a serious brain injury, and it’s essential that you get
April 13, 2018

What’s Making Me So Dizzy? Causes And Treatments For Vertigo

Do you get lightheaded when you stand up? Do you often feel off-balance or disoriented? If these symptoms happen regularly and often, then you are likely suffering from vertigo. Dizziness happens occasionally to many people.  If these feelings pass quickly and happen rarely, then there is probably nothing to worry
July 12, 2017

Why Am I Suffering With Headaches?

A common symptom that people come in for is headaches and migraines.  The story is very similar from each person to person: they’ve been to a ton of doctors, have tried many different medications, but they still get their headaches constantly.  If they’ve been to many doctors and have tried
June 5, 2017

What’s Causing My Dizziness?

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May 23, 2017

10 Common Myths About Concussions

The following 10 statements are the most common myths that are believed in our society.
  1. You must lose consciousness to have a concussion.
  2. Concussions only occur with severe head injuries, minor head injuries are never concussions.
  3. If
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