Why Am I Suffering With Headaches?
A common symptom that people come in for is headaches and migraines. The story is very similar from each person to person: they’ve been to a ton of doctors, have tried many different medications, but they still get their headaches constantly. If they’ve been to many doctors and have tried many different treatment protocols, why haven’t they gotten any better?
The answer is simple. None of the other drugs or treatment alternatives have targeted the root cause of the headaches. Headaches can be caused by many different things, but for simplicity we can narrow it down to three things: abnormal biomechanics of the spine, improper firing of pathways within the brain, or food/chemical sensitivities.
Abnormal biomechanics of the neck is very important when it comes to headaches. There are many different muscles that attach from the neck to the head. When there are misalignments or shifts in the mechanics of the neck, certain muscles tighten up and then cause tension in the head, leading to these headaches. By restoring normal motion to the neck, this allows the muscles of the neck to relax leads to a decrease in the intensity and frequency of the headaches.
There are also certain areas in the brain that are responsible for sensation of the neck and face. These areas need to be working in order to have proper perception of the head. If these pathways in the brain start firing irregularly for any reason, this can lead to improper inhibition of the pain pathways in the brain, causing headaches. By strengthening these pathways in the brain we can increase the ability for the brain to turn off pain pathways, nullifying the headaches.
Lastly, certain food and chemical sensitivities can create inflammation within the brain and body. When these certain foods are eaten, the body perceives them as foreign invaders. What happens next is that the immune system launches a defense on these foods, in the form of proinflammatory compounds. Inflammation increases pain sensation, so these foods are a common culprit in both headaches and migraines. By identifying and removing these triggers from the diet, we can remove the inflammation and restore normal health.