“VisualEyes” Video Nystagmography Technology for Patients with Dizziness and Balance Disorders

At NorCal Brain Center, we are proud to use the very best diagnostic equipment to help us and our patients understand the challenges facing them in their recovery, and to aid us in planning the most effective rehabilitative therapies.

When a patient visits us, their first step will be a full and complete neurological and physical evaluation that will allow us to pinpoint the ways that a patient’s brain is not working optimally with the rest of their body to provide the right signals necessary for peak neurological function.

One of our newest and best tools for this type of evaluation is called VisualEyes Technology, which we use for a type of evaluation called videonystagmography.

What is VisualEyes?

VisualEyes is the cutting edge of Video Nystagmography technology, known as VNG- a way of objectively recording and measuring the abnormal eye movements associated with a range of conditions, including peripheral vestibular loss, acoustic neuroma, traumatic brain injury (TBI), benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and other vestibular and central neurological disorders.

Our vestibular system is key for balance. It’s a sensory system of the body responsible for providing our brain with information about motion, head position and spatial orientation. It helps us keep our balance and stabilize our head and body. We need our vestibular system to be working with our neurological system to have good balance and to stave off dizziness. Our evaluations will seek to make sure this is the case.

The VisualEyes unit is a set of light-weight binocular video goggles that patients can wear comfortably. While the patient looks into the lenses of the goggles, a technician uses software to examine and adjust the images and readings of the patient’s eyes. The goggles use infrared light to record the horizontal and vertical eye movements of the patient as well as the patient’s ability to focus as he or she follows a series of targets with their eyes.

What Will this Evaluation Tell Us?

The results that we receive from your testing with the VisualEyes system, the videonystagmography, will tell us a great deal about the way your eyes respond to your vestibular system. As you follow the targets with your eyes, looking through the goggles, the system will detect signs of nervous or neurological problems by determining whether your vestibular system is responding correctly to information that it receives.

Tracking eye movement through videonystagmography is the best way to see problems both in the brain and in the vestibular system that we would not see elsewhere. VNG can show us what specific regions of the brain are not responding normally, which then will lead your doctor to develop targeted therapies and rehabilitative treatments to address lack of function in those areas, getting you back to a place where you have the balance and steadiness that you may have lost.

If you are suffering from dizziness or loss of balance from a brain injury or vertigo, please contact us at NorCal brain center to schedule a VNG evaluation. Let the power of a videonystagmography open a window into what parts of your brain may not be functioning optimally, and find the right treatments to regain neuroplasticity and connectivity to regain your balance and brain health!