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Vielight Brain Photobiomodulation And The Effect It Has On Our Body

What is Vielight Therapy?

Vielight Brain Photobiomodulation (PMB) is also known as light therapy. Vielight uses near infrared light to stimulate neuronal cells, the cells that make up our brain and nervous system and helps with the fight against inflammation and generating new cells. When we generate these new cells, the brain is able to function better as it has more help and support to carry out its functions. Vielight Therapy can increase blood flow to the brain, enhance metabolic functions, stimulate the creation of new cells, and provide protection to the brain all of which will help someone live a healthier and more functional life. At NorCal Brain Center, we want to encourage patients to find out new ways to help improve their lives, that’s why we offer Vielight Therapy for those that find that it may help them. Please call us at (408) 585-5275 with any questions you have may regarding Vielight therapy and its potential benefits for you!

How do Vielights work?

The infrared light that is given by the Vielight stimulates processes in the body that make ATP, our body’s form of energy that we use every minute of the day. Vielights engage your body’s natural processes instead of utilizing chemicals and other artificial medicine.

What are the different kinds of Vielights?

There are two different vielights that we offer here at NorCal Brain Center: alpha and gamma. Gamma was made to increase the amount of blood flow that you get to the brain. Gamma is typically given to those that need increased focus, energy, and improvement in memory. This enhancement in gamma waves can really help people with learning as well. The other type of light, alpha, is also used to increase blood flow to the brain as well but factors in mitochondrial activity too. This type of light is used to boost alpha waves. This boost in alpha waves has benefits such as calmness and meditation. Typically given to those who struggle with restlessness or even ADHD, alpha waves are usually seen when the brain is in its resting state and can help people with inner peace and mental coordination as well. While we mentioned a couple conditions that vielights can help with, there are many more including but not limited to traumatic brain injuries, PTSD, depression, sleep disorders, and many more.

Are there any side effects to using light therapy?

Although this form of therapy is generally very safe, every human body reacts differently. Side effects such as irritability, headaches, eye strain, and insomnia. Although these side effects are rare, when they happen they are known to stop shortly after. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and call us if you have any questions for us. Schedule a free consultation today to see if light therapy can help you! (408) 585-5275

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Roman Cruz
Content Manager


Born and raised in Silicon Valley, Roman has always had a passion for fast-paced environments and a strong drive to learn more about technology. He is also a devoted follower of local sports teams, including the 49ers, Warriors, and Giants. These interests have fueled his love for graphic design and photography, as reflected throughout his portfolio.

Roman is highly adaptable and comfortable in almost any situation. He embraces new challenges head-on and thrives in dynamic environments. What draws him to the marketing world is its ever-evolving nature, providing constant opportunities for growth and innovation. Always seeking new challenges, he is committed to expanding his skill set and refining his expertise.

A natural collaborator, Roman enjoys working with others and is continually learning to navigate professional relationships effectively. He hopes to leverage his networking skills to expand his connections and eventually establish a freelance graphic design and photography business for those who need creative services.