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How Your Gut Can Be Linked To Autism

What does it mean for someone to be autistic? 

Clinically defined, “autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a group of complex neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by repetitive and characteristic patterns of behavior and difficulties with social communication and interaction.” There is not one set of characteristics that applies to every person with autism so it can be difficult to understand the mechanism behind why someone is autistic, but autism is said to be a spectrum disorder. This means that there are many different varieties of symptoms that a patient can feel and these symptoms lie on a spectrum.

How is the gut related to autism? 

Recent research has shown that autistic children experience gastrointestinal problems a lot more often than children without autism. Further research leads scientists to believe that kids that have autism are lacking important bacteria that is beneficial to the gut and brain. It is important to note the connection that lies between the gut and the brain. When our gut doesn’t have beneficial bacteria  in it will not have the proper mechanisms to interact with the brain and tell it what to do. This helpful bacteria in the gut can help fight off pathogens, protect against inflammation, and has many other benefits. When the gut becomes inflamed because of the lack of the beneficial bacteria, then vital nutrients will leave the gut and enter the bloodstream. Nutrients that are meant to stay in our gut are now dissolved into the bloodstream. Our body doesn’t recognize these nutrients and instead thinks they are pathogens thereby attacking them in a form of self defense. By attacking our own body’s tissues, it leaves us susceptible to many other bacteria and pathogens.

What can be done to help patients that have autism that is thought to be correlated to the gut?

Many things can be done to help a kid that is lacking the essential nutrients that they need in their gut to help fight off inflammation and help up their immune system. By putting kids on the correct supplements, which your healthcare provider can provide for you, you are helping them with increasing the amount of good bacteria and vitamins that their gut needs. A hyperbaric oxygen chamber can also be used to help fight off the inflammation in the gut. A hyperbaric oxygen chamber delivers oxygen to the muscles and brain at a higher pressure, ensuring that more nutrients are getting to these tissues. At NorCal Brain center, there are a lot of treatments that could potentially be given to you or to a kid that has autism. Please call at (408) 585-5275 in for a free consultation and see what we can do for you!

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Roman Cruz
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Born and raised in Silicon Valley, Roman has always had a passion for fast-paced environments and a strong drive to learn more about technology. He is also a devoted follower of local sports teams, including the 49ers, Warriors, and Giants. These interests have fueled his love for graphic design and photography, as reflected throughout his portfolio.

Roman is highly adaptable and comfortable in almost any situation. He embraces new challenges head-on and thrives in dynamic environments. What draws him to the marketing world is its ever-evolving nature, providing constant opportunities for growth and innovation. Always seeking new challenges, he is committed to expanding his skill set and refining his expertise.

A natural collaborator, Roman enjoys working with others and is continually learning to navigate professional relationships effectively. He hopes to leverage his networking skills to expand his connections and eventually establish a freelance graphic design and photography business for those who need creative services.