Latest News From Norcal Brain Center

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September 27, 2021

Understanding Neurodevelopmental Disorders

What are Neurodevelopmental Disorders? Neurodevelopmental disorders are usually diagnosed early on in infancy, childhood or adolescence and induce deficits which produce an impairment of function. In other words, neurodevelopmental disorders are caused when the brain or nervous system is impaired during early development. Examples of Neurodevelopmental disorders in children can
September 15, 2021

Avant Laser Therapy

Avant Laser Therapies What is LLLT Therapy: How does it work? Where can I try this?
September 12, 2021

What’s the Difference Between Dizziness and Vertigo

What is the difference between dizziness and vertigo? Dizziness and vertigo are often lumped together. While there is overlap, they are not the same thing. Dizziness is a general term that describes a variety of symptoms, including feeling off balance, light-headed and unsteady. This can include symptoms of vertigo.
September 2, 2021

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

The effects of increased oxygen on brain function.

What is the role of Oxygen in our brains? Oxygen is imperative for the function of the human body, especially for the brain. While the brain makes up 2% of the human body weight it requires more than 20% of
August 28, 2021

Understanding Migraines

Treating Migraines Holistically.

Differentiating between migraines and headaches: Migraines are sometimes grouped in the same box as headaches although their intensity can vary dramatically from normal headaches. Migraines are defined as a neurological disease that involves nerve pathways and chemicals. Additionally, migraines result in more
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