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Smile, Your Eyes Are on Camera

There are a variety of diagnostic tests available to practitioners to see what’s happening internally with a patient to be causing symptoms. Some of these put your eyes front and center, and that is exactly the case with a videonystagmography (VNG) test. In this test your eyes are truly the star of the show, and…

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Feeling foggy? What is Brain Fog?

Sometimes, right in the middle of a riveting conversation, your train of thought just up and disappears. Sometimes in the middle of that conversation you might forget the word or detail you were just about to say, it might be on the tip of your tongue, but you just can’t remember it. While it might…

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How to Keep Your Brain Smarter Than a Fifth Grader

The brain is a dynamo – it’s always warping and changing and creating new neural connections as we learn new things. This ability to change and reorganize synaptic connections of the brain is known as neuroplasticity, with which the brain can modify and adapt various structures and functions throughout life as a direct result of an individual’s experiences.…

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Roman Cruz
Content Manager


Born and raised in Silicon Valley, Roman has always had a passion for fast-paced environments and a strong drive to learn more about technology. He is also a devoted follower of local sports teams, including the 49ers, Warriors, and Giants. These interests have fueled his love for graphic design and photography, as reflected throughout his portfolio.

Roman is highly adaptable and comfortable in almost any situation. He embraces new challenges head-on and thrives in dynamic environments. What draws him to the marketing world is its ever-evolving nature, providing constant opportunities for growth and innovation. Always seeking new challenges, he is committed to expanding his skill set and refining his expertise.

A natural collaborator, Roman enjoys working with others and is continually learning to navigate professional relationships effectively. He hopes to leverage his networking skills to expand his connections and eventually establish a freelance graphic design and photography business for those who need creative services.